Save 30%-50% on your irrigation water bill!

Pro Tech Smart Irrigation & WiFi - 01

Did you know that you can achieve irrigation system water savings by utilizing smart irrigation controls? Smart irrigation controls are used to reduce outdoor water use by irrigating based on plant water need compared to traditional automatic system timers, which irrigate on a user-determined fixed schedule. Smart Irrigation Controls can be added to an existing irrigation system or included in a new irrigation system installation.

Save 30%-50% on your irrigation water bill and maximize irrigation efficiency by reducing water waste, while maintaining plant health and quality. Smart Controls will save money for residential applications as well as large commercial systems including apartment complexes and HOA’s.

Pro Tech Lawn Sprinklers & Outdoor Services provides free quotes for integrating smart controls into an existing Lawn Sprinkler / Irrigation System, or new installation. Call 518-489-3260 for a free quote!